Being the colour of the sky and the ocean, blue surrounds us all the time without ever being within reach. Blue stimulates us to gaze into the distance, calms and enlivens us at the same time. Its enormous depth derives from the almost unfathomable richness of meaning we associate with this colour.
When we hear the word “blue”, we might think of the blue hour, “Blue Velvet” or the blue lagoon.
The Blue Library is a book art project about this particular colour. Library = Anthology + Magazine + Archive + Sticker Album + Mixtape + X
155 × 215 mm
128 Pages
Digital and Screen printing
8 Copies
235 × 335 mm
20 Pages
Offset printing
250 Copies
Sticker Album
185 × 290 mm
Offset printing
100 Copies
Screen printing
Archive Binder
290 × 315 mm
65 × 100 mm
3 Copies
479 × 695 mm
Offset printing
60 Copies
Bachelor thesis (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) supervised by Markus Weisbeck and Ricarda Löser
Photos: © Jannis Uffrecht, Hands: Anna Rupp